• CI-128 Is Not About Montana Citizens But About The For Profit Abortion Industry

    By Staff
    October 18, 2024
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    by Cheryl, ProLife Montana

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    CI-128 is not a Montana Citizen issue. This is an OUT OF STATE DRIVEN Initiative which is easily PROVEN to be the case by "following the money."

    If you review the reports for "Montanans Securing Reproductive Rights", a committee that reports to the Commissioner of Political Practices (politicalpracitces.mt.gov - click on the ACCESS CERS button and type in the committee name under the committee search button) their reports through Sept 30th reflect OVER 15MILLION DOLLARS having been spent to promote CI-128. Approximately 90% of this money is being provided by OUT OF STATE Individuals, Organizations and FEDERAL PACs. TWO MILLION of that total has been provided by Bloomberg and Pritzker PERSONALLY.

    Our grassroots IN state efforts to OPPOSE CI-128 have raised/spent $215,000 - the majority of these funds are attributed to Montana Family Foundation's efforts - although a number of churches, parishes, Knights of Columbus organizations and ballot issue committees formed (one is Prolife Montana's committee, "Defend Life") have also been a part of this total and the efforts to oppose CI-128.

    Montana ALREADY ALLOWS abortion well into the second semester (approximately 22-24 weeks). In 2022 over 1700 Montana babies were aborted, 76% of them through chemical abortion (the abortion pill).

    For those persons you may know who argue that late term abortion "never happens" - please google Dr. Carhart whose clinics are famous for catering to women seeking a second or third trimester abortion.

    If CI-128 passes, let it not be because we could have done more and didn't - let's do all that we can, TOGETHER, to defeat what can only be described as wanton genocide upon our most innocent and most vulnerable of the Human race.

    Below is the link to a great "training/conversation" done by Samuel Green/ReasonforLife.org who spoke at a 40 Days for Life Mid Rally in Helena last night. Please take the time to listen/view it and share it with others as it provides great insight both biblical and scientific to counter the pro-abortion argument.

    Montana Pro-Life TrainiReason for Life

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and sharing it with others in your Committee and Community.

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