• The Elephant In The Room

    July 19, 2024

    Attending the 2024 RNC Convention was a party for some and a duty for others.

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    It has been said that there is a first time for everything. I attended the Republican National Convention this year for the first time and learned a lot. All things political have a good, bad, and ugly side, victory and loss, and endless debate that may or may not be helpful. This convention was no different. Some asked me if this was a good place for a true liberty warrior given that the uniparty establishment in Washington, D.C. is working hand in hand to destroy this country from within. I accept the spirit of the question and agree with its value. This Substack aims to address that question and assess what I saw and experienced at the convention.

    But first –

    Why did I attend?

    My goals were to:

    • Represent the State of Montana as a delegate.
    • Connect with true patriots and introduce them to the big vision and successes of Restore Liberty.
    • Assess the health of the National Committee and the Republican Party based on what I could experience at this venue.

    For the last four years, I worked diligently to overhaul the GOP in Lewis and Clark County, Montana. The work paid off, and the county central committee completely changed. As a result, I developed a reputation across the state for standing up for biblical and constitutional values without compromise or apology. The best quote I heard three years ago at a state GOP convention was, “When did Helena [Lewis and Clark County] become America first?” The Republican Party of Montana had grown used to years of the typical uniparty types in my home county and were shocked when our four delegates sent to the state conventions showed up and proved by our actions that things had changed. When later asked to serve as a delegate, I said yes because the people asked me to.

    We proved that the fix to the GOP is at the precinct level and takes time. The same is true at the state and national levels, so I am doing what little I can to be a part of the solution. To see if more of the GOP can return to “We the People” and away from “They the Establishment.” This may not happen, but I have no right to complain if I am unwilling to attempt the repair first.

    To assess the state of the Republican Party at the national level, I talked to grassroots activists across the United States. I did not go to Milwaukee to “party” or “have a good time.” I went there to work. I learned a lot, met some fantastic people, formed conclusions, and identified other trends. Having commanded thousands of Soldiers in the U.S. Army during my time in service, I learned to assess large organizations by listening to those who will tell you the truth no matter the cost and who do not seek recognition. Therefore, I did not talk to national figures; I focused on the people in the trenches. I also spoke to many law enforcement people securing the event because they tend to be seen and not heard, but they see and hear a lot.

    My overall assessment.

    Though there was a clear sense of unity and energetic patriotism, there was also a difference between the grassroots people working in the precincts and counties and the still entrenched establishment in many states and the RNC. However, what was also apparent was the ship is turning slowly; the question is, will it turn fast enough?

    Some may be ready to walk away from the GOP entirely, and I can appreciate that desire. However, I will say that walking away is what those who most despise this nation want us to do because it allows them a chance to control both major political parties. I am not a fan of parties, but this is still a structure where we can make a difference, and I intend to stay and see what happens. Everyone must choose for themselves, but I will remain in the fight because I can see a path forward that might work if it unifies around biblical and constitutional principles. If it does not work, I may choose a different route, and God will let me know what that is when/if it becomes necessary.

    I found a spot outside the main arena on a mezzanine where many people moved, and some would routinely stop, look over a banister with a view to the outside of the building, and frequently take a short break. It was also across from the Newsmax and Fox News broadcast booths where many would gather for celebrity sitings. I was like one of those fish in the ocean who waits until a smaller fish swims close enough to get snatched. Each time someone stopped near me, I would capture them and ask where they were from, why they were there, and their impression of the state of the GOP. Most of the time, it was an enjoyable experience, but a few sought to escape when they determined I was not there to have fun. By the week's end, I met people from all fifty states and got a good sense of the state of things.

    Key Observations:

    The Good

    • Many people attended their first-ever convention because they decided to get involved after what they witnessed in our nation over the last four years and within the GOP where they were from.
    • The law enforcement on site was unashamed about their support for Constitutional principles, Trump, and the Patriots present. It did not matter what agency they came from. This was also true of the convention center employees, every Uber/Lyft driver I hired, and our hotel staff. People are tired of what’s happened over the last four years and are no longer silent.
    • The patriot community is growing and excited for the future while not naïve to the fact that this fight is far from over. Numerous people also know the difference between real and fake patriots, and they do not compromise when it comes to truth.
    • There is a high level of optimism and energy that, if sustained, could change the course of our nation well beyond a possible four more years of a Trump administration and the down-ballot victories America needs.
    • The GOP is much more than a “Gathering of Old People.” The convention was flooded with a cross-section of the nation. All colors, shapes, sizes, genders (still only two), and ages were there. Generation Z was there in force. You could not walk around without seeing clusters of twenty or thirty-somethings discussing the state of the nation and what is necessary to do to fix it. They debated and shared knowledge, often setting an excellent example for all others. They also stayed up a lot later than most of us.
    • The real heroes would deny they were heroes and focused instead on making a difference in any way they could. The unsung of this nation were present in the building but not always at the podium.

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    The Not So Good

    • There is a bad habit of “worshipping” celebrities and seeing some as heroes. People often followed politicians or their favorite news anchors like teenage girls following Taylor Swift. Similarly, the media pursued celebrities and politicians with religious fervor, not realizing that they were surrounded by experts in many fields and authentic heroes putting it all on the line to fight for this nation. The show ponies may have been shiny, but the draft horses are what our nation needs.
    • The grassroots were not happy with the Sikh prayer chant on the first day of the convention. The people recognize that we enjoy freedom of worship in the United States. But, our nation was built on Christian principles that dominate the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the engravings in many of our buildings. The people who decided to get involved because of what is happening are driven mainly by their faith and a desire to return America to its Christian roots while adhering to the principle of freedom of worship. This was the dominant opinion of the grassroots in the building.
    • The party platform vote was a rubber stamp, and the delegates were not allowed to participate in its formation meaningfully. No floor motions to address critical topics were allowed. Everybody appreciated the reduction in length from 76 pages to 16. However, there were three areas where the delegates wished to strengthen the platform. They were:
      • Ensuring marriage was recognized as between one man and one woman.
      • Inserting language to clarify that we support the sanctity of the guarantees written in the 2nd Amendment.
      • To state that we are in favor of protecting innocent life from conception through natural death with no exceptions.
    • Speakers or committees did not sufficiently address Election Integrity concerns.

    Although these concerns remain, when I sought out the true patriots who know what is happening in this country, I got the sense that those seeking to ruin this country woke a sleeping giant, and they know and fear that fact. The people's energy and optimism were overpowering and filled with hope. But will that giant rise and do what it must without pause or return to its slumber in the months ahead?


    Darin Gaub

    Lt Col (ret), US Army, Darin Gaub (@DLGaub) is a Geo-political and military strategist, former Blackhawk helicopter pilot and Battalion Commander, executive leadership coach, ordained Bible minister, and serves on the boards of multiple volunteer national and state-level organizations. The views presented are those of the author and do not represent the views of the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, or its components. He can be found on Rumble and Substack.

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    Thomas Robinson

    ...A very credible, believeable description of the author's experiences and conclusions. If the "Marxists"want us too confused to know who to believe, text like this will disrupt their plans. Like the author indicated, I too worry that "We The People" will "dose off" as the less-exciting days ahead help us to forget events like the 2020 election, Afghanistan, the border invasion, the Jan 6th "false flag operation, and the assassination attempt on Pres. Trump. We can't! We simply can't.

    Dan McDonald


    I read your post to get a behind the look report on the RNC. I appreciate your candor. However, the negatives you raise are -- to me -- too trite to carry water. Our country is on the bring of anarchy and possibly civil war. To worry about same sex marriage, abortion rights or any other social issue not being in the party's plank is akin to worry about the deck chairs on the Titanic. You are right; the silent majority is awake. And you're also right; we can not fail.

    Florida Patriot

    Frank McCarthy

    Absolutely nothing wrong with a Sikh prayer, infact wish we could have more of them. Great loyal upstanding people are the Sikh community. I've been friends with these folks, and they are good friends believe in family values and integrity to serve in public, many are professionals and excel in the military and law enforcement services.

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