• Today's Marxist Coup D’etat Hidden In Plain Sight

    By Staff
    June 2, 2024
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    by David Howard | Truth Blog

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    Today’s domestic threat is far greater than any foreign threat America has ever faced in the past and we are witnessing this insurrection in real time. There is an all-out domestic war to take over America. This war is organized by pathologically dishonest Biden Marxist Democrats. They lie from their very nature because they have no character nor shame.[i] Their total disregard for human life is overshadowed by their goal of power and control over everyone in America. They are encircling America with their tyrannical, perverted ideology[ii] to trap America in a government that requires blind submission. The following just reveals the visible tip of this Coup d’etat iceberg, hiding in plain sight.

    Read the rest on Foxhole Ministries.

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