• Montana State GOP Removes Controversial Winter Kickoff Speaker

    By Staff
    February 2, 2024
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    There are times when being the first to report an event and blast it across social media does not mean it is the most accurate report. The Montana Sentinel chose to wait and get the truth before we wrote anything about what actually happened in this case.

    Over the past week media sources other than this one have covered the removal of Alex Bruesewitz as the keynote speaker for the Montana Republican Party's February 9-10, 2024 winter kick off event in Helena, MT. The controversy centered on Bruesewitz's criticizing Montana's Republican Congressman Matt Rosendale; who is also slated to speak at the event. Bruesewitz claims he is a Trump supporter and top ally and is active on social media where he has over 380,000 followers, many of them key allies of Trump.

    Bruesewitz's criticism of House Freedom Caucus member Rosendale was not well received by the grassroots voters, Republican Central Committee members, or the officers making up the Montana GOP Executive Board. As a result, in mid-January the board began the process of encouraging the State Chair Don "K" Kaltschmidt to bring the board together, discuss the issue, and possibly remove Bruesewitz as the keynote speaker and find a replacement.

    Republican Central Committees across Montana also got word of Bruesewitz's statements against Rosendale and began to call the state GOP headquarters and added their voices to those encouraging Bruesewitz's removal.

    On Monday, January 29th the State GOP Executive Board removed Bruesewitz as the keynote speaker. When asked who wanted him removed, half of the board said yes. A follow up question was asked to see who wanted Bruesewitz to come to Montana, and no member said yes. The board then removed Bruesewitz and replace him.

    The next day the Montana Freedom Caucus posted a letter calling for Bruesewitz's removal despite the fact that it had happened the night before.

    Shortly after Bruesewitz posted a response, calling out the Montana GOP but also added Rosendale who had no part of the Montana GOP's decision.

    Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene then added her voice and reinforced the false notion that Rosendale had any part of the decision.

    Though the grassroots and some on the board requested a speaker from Montana take the place of Bruesewitz, former Trump administration DHS Acting Secretary under Chad Wolf accepted a short-notice invitation to serve as Bruesewitz's replacement.

    Bruesewitz then joined Montana Talks to argue his point and tell Montanans that he would continue to work against Rosendale going forward. Sources say the claimed number of ten visits by Trump or his family members to Montana in support of Rosendale is not accurate.

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