Transparency? Conservative? Fairness? Equity?

February 4, 2025
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Representative Jerry Schillinger, Circle HD34

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It was interesting to read Senator Greg Hunter’s “Trial By Fire” article recently. Senator Hunter first claimed the virtue of transparency. He then mentioned his first vote, a few minutes into the first day of the 69th Montana Legislative Session. This vote upended the Republican caucus majority vote in November to elect leadership and adopt the rules for the upcoming session. He and eight other Republicans (the nine)conspired with the Democrat Leader, Pat Flowers to create a big government Republican and Democrat coalition to control the Montana Senate. Montana voters elected a 32-18 Republican majority in November only to have the nine reverse that hard work to give the Democrats a 27-23 majority with far left Pat Flowers of Bozeman as the de facto Senate President.

For the sake of transparency did Senator Hunter attempt to negotiate with the duly elected leadership of the majority or participate in a clandestine overthrow 15 minutes in the first day of Session? Led by a sour grapes loser for the Senate Presidency, the nine chose to operate in the dark to partner with the Democrats. The Democrats goals of expanding subsidized health care, day care and housing were their asks in exchange for their help in the coup. Ironically, the nine didn’t give up anything as big government Republicans, because they wanted to help accomplish those same goals. Unfortunately the deal will cost Montana taxpayers 100’s of millions of dollars if allowed to go to fruition.

Senator Hunter claimed they helped make the committees more conservative by putting two additional Republicans on key committees and only adding one Democrat. Who believes the Dem’s would work with the R’s to create more conservative committee’s? The problem is, the additional Republicans with voting records, vote more like Democrats on key fiscal issues. Key votes coming up will tell more about Senator Hunter. Senator Hunter also echoed favorite leftist buzzwords like, fair and equitable. Is it fair to the citizens of Montana who thought they worked and donated to elect a conservative legislature to have a handful of rogue Republicans ally themselves with the Democrats? I don’t think so.

In fairness to Senator Hunter, he may not have known he was being manipulated by former Senate President Jason Ellsworth. Not only was Ellsworth potentially on a revenge tour but it has recently surfaced that he is under investigation for breaking procurement rules in the last days of his leadership position to award a $170,000 contract that had been rejected in committee, to a business associate of his. This was only exposed and thwarted because an ethical state employee refused to carry it out. Ellsworth’s conduct is now before the Senate Ethics Committee. He has also been removed from his position on the Legislative Audit Committee. Perhaps a cover up was a not talked about motive for the nine joining the Democrats? Senator

Hunter also talked about building trust. Unfortunately Senator Hunter has failed his first big test. Virtue also applies to relationships with legislative colleagues. Failed on virtue. The senator is definitely starting off on the wrong foot. Unfortunately, we in rural Montana are sparsely represented because of the thin population we enjoy. We can ill afford to have that representation alienate the majority of the majority on day one and going forward. Trust also requires truth telling. Either by omission or commission Senator Hunter presented a false depiction of the situation in the Senate in Helena. Failed on Truth.

Hopefully, his constituents will be able to guide him back on to the path they thought they elected him to follow.

For Freedom, Representative Jerry Schillinger, Circle HD34 406-974-2478 [email protected]

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