A Genuine Conservative

May 30, 2024
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Ask yourself, how often do “moderate” Republican legislators represent themselves as moderates when running in GOP primaries?  Answer:  NEVER.  Why?  Because GOP primary voters do not vote for moderates,  Thus, these Big Government Republicans – whose DNA more closely matches that of the Big Government Democrats – try to deceive us by calling themselves “conservatives.”  Once elected, the truth comes out.  We discover that we have just elected a Democrat in Republican clothing!

A perfect example is House District 76, where “RINO” Republican John Fitzpatrick is running for re-election against solid conservative primary challenger Dave Kesler.  The facts are this:  in 2023, Fitzpatrick went to Helena and consistently voted with the Democrats on important legislation, earning a Montana Conservative Alliance scorecard rating of 9% -- among the lowest of all Republicans.

To get re-elected, Fitzpatrick now pretends to be a conservative.  However, based on his record rather than his rhetoric, we can conclude that John is definitely NOT a limited government conservative.   When the chips are down, he votes with the Democrats and hope no one will notice.  It’s therefore no surprise that liberal Democratic special interests are targeting Fitzpatrick’s race, and heavily funding his campaign.

I strongly encourage GOP voters to straighten this misrepresentation mess out by supporting Dave Kessler in HD 76.  Rather than looking to government to solve all our problems, Kesler will look to the Constitution first, reject unconstitutional expansions of government, and place his faith in free people and free markets.  He is a true and dedicated conservative. 

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Roger Koopman

Roger Koopman of Bozeman is the president of Montana Conservative Alliance. He was a two-term Montana state legislator, two-term Montana Public Service Commissioner, and 37-year small businessman. He and his wife Ann raised four children, all of whom were home-educated. Koopman also served on the congressional staff of Steve Symms (R-ID) and Ron Paul (R-TX) and was a field representative for the National Rifle Association.
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