Support For Israel Is Support For Liberty

January 10, 2024
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Kimberly Fletcher (Moms for America)

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On October 7, Hamas terrorists invaded Israel, slaughtered innocent men, women, and children through horrific means, and took hundreds of Israelis prisoner. In the months since that brutal terrorist attack, much of the world has been busy blaming Israel.

Americans should realize that the attacks on Israel—by Hamas terrorists and by the Leftists the world over trying to blame Israel—are also an attack on liberty, democracy, and the rule of law. Israel stands alone as a democracy in the Middle East. Hamas terrorists are attacking Israel’s right to exist as a country, which undermines the rights of all sovereign nations.

Writing for the Jerusalem Post, Adam Milstein rightly notes, “Jews are history’s ‘canary in the coal mine.’ Where Jews have faced persecution and expulsion, it is usually a sign that darker forces are taking hold that will degrade, diminish, and often, destroy the broader society.”

There is good reason for America’s longstanding alliance with Israel, underpinned by a common foundation in Judeo-Christian values and respect for human rights and the rule of law. That alliance has not gone unnoticed. In the anti-Israel demonstrations around the world, protesters in favor of Hamas terrorism often threaten the United States of America. Their signs and slogans are not only about Israel, but about America and everything that America stands for. Milstein points out, “American flags are burnt alongside Israeli flags. Calls for the destruction of Israel are followed by anti-American chants. When Israel and the Jewish community are assaulted, American civil liberties and values like freedom of speech and freedom of religion are also being attacked.”

From the corridors of our once-elite institutions to terror groups around the world, the message is the same: liberty and freedom are under attack. For that reason, Moms for America has announced its unequivocal support for Israel in their fight against the brutal and savage terrorism of Hamas.

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Moms for America is a growing national movement of over 500,000 mothers, rooted in the principles of liberty and virtue the United States was founded on. We support freedom and liberty not only at home but around the world.

I have written before about why the defense of Israeli women and children should not be up for debate. The world witnessed, through photos, videos, and firsthand accounts, the brutalization of innocent and defenseless civilians by a barbaric terrorist organization. If our response to that is anything other than unequivocal support for the victims, we have gone astray as a society.

The same is true of attacks on liberty. We know without a doubt that the way for our civilization to advance is through liberty and freedom. In order for our children to live up to their potential, we need the protection of human rights, the security of sovereign nations, and defense against barbarity. Children are dependent on their families. Without the ability freely to pursue education and commerce, families cannot flourish.

As an organization of mothers, Moms for America is reaching out to other mothers—Israeli and Palestinian—and urging them to embrace the values of liberty. All mothers want the same for their children: the security and opportunity necessary to thrive. We want our children and our grandchildren to have greater opportunities than our grandparents ever dreamed of. That is the promise of America, and so many of us have witnessed its success through the generations of our own families.

Those promises are not limited to the United States of America. When Israelis defend their nation and when Palestinians reject the brutality of terrorist rule, their children will be able to achieve the same dream: prosperity through liberty.

Hamas must be rejected. There can be no question in the halls of power in our country or in the minds of people across the world that terrorism is opposed to liberty. As a united front, we must fight terrorism and oppression wherever it exists. Today, there is a decisive threat against Israel. It is time we recognize that the threat is directed at all of us who support liberty and oppose tyranny.

We envision a day when Palestinian and Israeli mothers can proclaim “from the river to the sea, Palestinians and Israelis can now live free.”


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